What does ENERGY STAR® mean?

What does ENERGY STAR® mean and how can it help you?

ENERGY STAR® is an international standard for energy efficient consumer products. The ENERGY STAR® label is found on building materials, buildings, home appliances, heating and cooling systems, and lighting fixtures. When you see the logo, it usually means that it uses 20%-30% less energy than is required by federal standards.

Reduce your costs

ENERGY STAR®-approved windows reduce energy costs, keep the home at a comfortable temperature, and can also reduce condensation. ENERGY STAR® qualified products will reduce your energy costs by up to 12%, according to Natural Resources Canada.

Help the environment

If all the original windows and doors in an older home were replaced with ENERGY STAR® qualified products, your household energy consumption would drop an estimated about 7%.This would save three- quarters of a ton of greenhouse gas emissions on a yearly basis. If you installed ENERGY STAR® qualified windows, doors and skylights in a new home instead of traditional windows, doors, and skylights, the energy consumption would decrease by roughly 12%.

Energy efficiency ratings

Low-E argon Vinyl Window Pro vinyl windows have excellent energy efficiency ratings in 4 areas:

  1. Solar heat gain coefficient – Vinyl Window Pro windows achieve ratings as low as 0.467
  2. R-value – With ratings as high as 3.45, Vinyl Window Pro windows are up to 44% more energy efficient than clear glass
  3. Energy rating(ER) – With ratings as high as 38, Vinyl Window Pro windows are up to 88% more energy efficient than clear glass
  4. U-value – With ratings as low as 1.66, Vinyl Window Pro windows are up to 50% more energy efficient than clear glass